ADAM using AD for authentication (bind redirection)
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Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca
2008-08-30 08:35:33 UTC
I'm looking for a code sample, in any language, of Active Directory
Application Mode bind redirection.
My application has its ADAM to store users. I'll bind those users to Active
Directory user accounts's SIDs.
I would like to see a sample code that shows how the user is authenticated
in this architecture (single sign-on using AD and ADAM integrated).


Carlos Felipe
Joe Kaplan
2008-08-30 17:08:31 UTC
If you are talking about creating bind proxy objects for Windows/AD users in
ADAM, then all you need to do is execute an LDAP simple bind to ADAM using
the username you provisioned for the bind proxy object in ADAM and the AD
user's password. You can either use the distinguished name of the bind
proxy object, the displayName or the userPrincipalName. The latter two
require you to set those values and guarantee their uniqueness.

Bind proxies for AD objects also require that the ADAM server is joined to a
domain that trusts the AD users.

What language/API do you really want the sample in?

Joe K.
Joe Kaplan-MS MVP Directory Services Programming
Co-author of "The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming"
Post by Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca
I'm looking for a code sample, in any language, of Active Directory
Application Mode bind redirection.
My application has its ADAM to store users. I'll bind those users to
Active Directory user accounts's SIDs.
I would like to see a sample code that shows how the user is authenticated
in this architecture (single sign-on using AD and ADAM integrated).
Carlos Felipe
Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca
2008-08-31 01:31:47 UTC
Thank you very much for your reply, Joe.

Our application was built in Delphi. I looked for samples in Delphi but I
did not find anything.
Today, we store users and groups in tables inside a database. We are
thinking about moving it all to an ADAM instance.
The software is being implemented in multiple locations and the customer now
requires authentication from any place, and they have Active directory as
its directory services.
The also want Single Sign-on to mitigate the administrative burden. So we'll
integrate the authentication with Active Directory.
Our knowledge about ADAM is very limited yet.
Yesterday I watched some webcasts about that and I learned something.
I also found some samples of creating users and groups in an ADAM instance,
but I didn't find any sample of code about authentication using ADAM and AD.
This is what I'm looking for.

Thank you again,

Post by Joe Kaplan
If you are talking about creating bind proxy objects for Windows/AD users
in ADAM, then all you need to do is execute an LDAP simple bind to ADAM
using the username you provisioned for the bind proxy object in ADAM and
the AD user's password. You can either use the distinguished name of the
bind proxy object, the displayName or the userPrincipalName. The latter
two require you to set those values and guarantee their uniqueness.
Bind proxies for AD objects also require that the ADAM server is joined to
a domain that trusts the AD users.
What language/API do you really want the sample in?
Joe K.
Joe Kaplan-MS MVP Directory Services Programming
Co-author of "The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services
Post by Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca
I'm looking for a code sample, in any language, of Active Directory
Application Mode bind redirection.
My application has its ADAM to store users. I'll bind those users to
Active Directory user accounts's SIDs.
I would like to see a sample code that shows how the user is
authenticated in this architecture (single sign-on using AD and ADAM
Carlos Felipe